Sunday, September 16, 2012

New Look And Generous Actions

Everybody, who loves peace, is worried for it, and everybody, who claims to be the leader, is in mirage. In all cases, unfortunate end is on the both parts ,unless we realize it from our bottom of heart.
In third world,corruption and incapable leadership is overriding in  the worst global situation.Have not's majority has been registered in an alarming rate.Wisdom has been lost in Third World , self interest has became the dominating and detrimental factor in the life of those countries.
TW has to learn, if they wish, from Malaysia,Singapore ,South Korea, and China.It is true that they are deprived from their legitimate rights, but at the same time, they have not shown their power and capacity to lead the world as the developed countries have been doing.Sometime, I think, the North is right to dominate the South, because they are capable of it, if we wish ,then why not we show our capacity ? and unitedly we bang in the United Nations?.We are weak and do not like to see other strong? Is it right? Everything we are looking that  should come in mercy? donation? aid?.
On the other hand,the North is dominating to South, and no fair game has been introduced to really play, the universal game in all respects.They know our weakness ,and  exploit as long as we allow them.What is wrong? We never fought with them rather in return look for aid?
I have never seen ,since the Marshall Plan,any plan ,program have come without strings ,which ultimately, benefit them.Now unprecedented recession is looming in the world economy, and we are not at all ready to meet this challenge.More dangerous than the Great Depression of  30's is looming on our head , and if  that is  not managed, may be a catastrophe for  all .And finally, we all will reach in the primitive stage of the world economy.
This decade is a most dangerous decade, where lot of promises are done, but lowest actions are taken, which ,in fact, needs a lot of sacrifices ,to be done for correcting errors. So, we have to work for the  common advantages for  all, irrespective of First ,Second, Third, and the forth world ,the LDCs.
United States of America must change its world police role.Also less interferences in the internal affairs of other countries.All are equal ,and no one is more equal.Must work for the global economic prosperity.
Syria  has become a big headache. Because the present system could not be handled  effectively, and the people of that area are being killed in the whim of a dictator.Best would be - Assad should resign ,and manage for the fresh election ,so that a democratic government could be established, and rule of law could be prevailed.This is the duty of  Big 5- now ,otherwise , people will loose its confidence in UN.It would be good for Assad ,Syria ,an ,the world.
China must be liberal in the human rights, and give more liberty to its subjects for enjoying the fresh air of the universal liberty.Economic  growth and human rights have a part and parcel relations ,which China has been trying to make,we have noticed .But , whatsoever,in all cases, needs more openness.
India was doing a great job 2-3 years back, but now seems lost in its own strategy.Things are not paying ,and over liberty has damaged the growth pace .Has to be adjusted , how ? is a big question.
Its presence, in neighbour countries, has been over noticed.Role of Big Brother is not paying, although, she has been doing more than before in helping the neighbours.Some how,  it is not appropriately appreciated.
In this 21 st century,the G20,must be united  ,giving up its petty interests, for the larger interest of the TW.A New International Order has to be established ,and this would be only a viable way to survive ,and to be prosperous collectively. Otherwise, the globe would be a place of no more than hide and seek.
Nepal, political parties are  still fighting for self interests.Country has become a secondary to all parties.Corruption is rampant,no  one has enough to eat, if he.she is honest.Even in all past 60 years of democracy, we have not been able to drink a glass of pure water.All basic services are nil.Money and Muscle are only become the detrimental factors to work in Nepal.It is sad and unfortunate.
Leaders like BP Koirala,Ganesh man,Ram Raja Sigh's and others sacrifices could not bear any fruits here , and it went in vain.  And now  the people are desperately  looking for panacea- a Savior. At this stage,it would be  agreeable for any way which control the situation, and bring the country in track.Life is above all.


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