Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hate Never Earns Respect.

One news in Kantipur hurts me much, and I am trying to understand the lowest ebb of the human ethics.A man can't be great  simply taking birth in a developed country-his/her greatness can only be scaled by his/her moral /ethical values, and much more by his attitude/respect towards others, irrespective of any qualification like race and wealth.
I read to day, that in a shoe factory, branded American company, put logo of Lord Gautama Buddha, and selling in the international  market.If it does not mean anything for them then tomorrow, some one will produce  a shoe and put logo of Christ, Is it OK?You may be furious with him and if you are strong enough ,may sign a death  warrant  for  his head.
I do agree it is very odious act from any human beings.But  please contemplate ,  is it only for you- not for us? I solemnly realized  that  it is not nice to talk nonce the infidelity of nugatory and nonchalance views on some one's faith.
I remember when I was posted to France ,I sow one advertisement of brandy with the picture of Lord Krishna.I raised this issue in UNESCO .To my great surprise  it did not buy any attention.
Similarly,in Egypt,Sharm el Shaeikh,a night club is named ,Little Buddha.I protested against it,but  all went in vain.
If one does the same, in the name of Allah or Christ,do you forgive him?No ! then why we are ,? Let us not forget the value of universality.And work with the great respect to the mother Earth. Believe us we have high respect for all religions.I simply urge the concerned to correct it..It is pernicious  for the world  culture, civilization and harmony.Save it.
I repeat once again, if my views hurt anyone ,I apologise for that. It is simply a talk which wish to correct wrong doings, - no other intention..Let our planet be paradise for all.


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