Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fire in Syria Must be Extinguished

Syria has become a horn of Arab, where spring does not allow to spread over.This much killing to innocent people can't be permitted for any reason.Any innocent death is a black spot on the face of civilization.We are living in third millennium ,and behaving as the medieval age .
First of all, killing and fighting must be stopped immediately by both sides ,and allowed peace a chance  to breathe there. Cease fire is precondition for any further action in the favour of the Syrian ,and the globe in totality.The whole world is affected by this barbarian action in Syria. And surprisingly ,no one developing country, or NAM, is speaking in this regard to stop the fighting and starting peace negotiation.If any one come forward ,that is only Syria's strategic partner ,who  helps  in aggravation, not in suppression of violence.
In this connection,  it would be appropriate, that UN  and NAM must come forward and use their influences in maintaining peace and ending battle in Syria.A free poll can tell what the people of that land wish to see ?, and accordingly, the ruler Assad must follow the mandate of the people.If people like that Assad should go ,then no question comes to stand in between.He must go ,better- he himself arrange his departure by inviting UN and NAM leaders for smooth and graceful sailing the affairs .He has still time, otherwise, I am afraid, it would be perhaps too late.
West has taken a good lesson in Libya, and, therefore, restraining in going to that extent.I think they had crossed the limit that time ,which they are paying now.But after all, this not they, but we Third World people are suffering. We must correct ourselves before someone teach a lesson.We know well what to do? and what in better in our interests?

Paradoxically, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal does not speak anything. After all, what is  the the policy of Nepal ?- should we allow them to go this way ,or we can play an advisory role by giving good advice in the framework of NAM  for pacifying the situation, and finding a path ,acceptable to all three parties?.
I think, we need multi- approaches in this complex and dangerous  spot .But in the first place, a new approach with a new outlook  covering the  lapses in the past moves by Kofi Annan, should be implied  and  brought by a new mediator  without any hidden agenda.
Mind it-hidden agenda will back fire in this regard.
Perhaps ,handling in this way  may be helpful  in advancing  the process in the desired direction.
To me ,it seems in the Syrian context, once again the world sought a solution somewhere  between acqiesence and war.


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