Wednesday, October 12, 2011


We are not happy to see the situation in Arab today.It is painful.
Today, whatever has been happening in Arab is the result of bad calculation of the strategists ,ie, west and USA.The current situation of Egypt suggests the same.President Mubarak is removed by force without estimating the pitfall of the action.Muslim Brotherhood is a very strong force working there and they were able to form the government if Mubarak did not manoeuvre their activities.Mubarak had some demerits but that does not mean that for your ego you do whatever nonsense  without considering the result.Because you think that whatever is consequences, the nationals of that country would bear.This is completely wrong theory.Finally you have to reap what you saw.Iraq,Afghanistan,Libia and others are the example.It should open your wisdom.
The same theory applies in economics,for your benefits you exploit the poor countries and as result of that one day bad recession follows and you  sink in that boggy economy.
Terrorism is the result of injustice and interference in the internal matter of any religion or community.We over view this fact and with a simple power theory like to run the world order which has been proved wrong.My submission is this is fire you know well but seeing this you play with it without proper arrangement is incomprehensive.
Remedy of terrorism is a balance approach to the fact and delver justice.This is the victory of truth-means God.It is not any body's victory or defeat.Ego must go.
Forcefully establishing any regime is not a natural method-it will not pay you rather back fire.Acquiescence doctrine is the best treatment in this particular situation.Contemplate it.


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