Sunday, October 9, 2011


There is saying -one alone can do nothing.And we accept because we do not want to take that pain to prove it wrong.
One alone Anna Hazare has moved the Indian Goverment-a burnning example is in front of us.In the world there are many.
In my Birganj,there was rampant corruption and illigal activities.It was that Birganj who was sometime ago a model city of coplete harmony,culture,arts,litrature and development.Now since few years it was surprizingly changed to adverse.Very unfortunate.
At present,I became happy to see that there is a change-a change not in all aspects, but in law and order, you can note easily.And this is not done by any military force but by a man -one Police Officer- Superitendent of Police, Mr Ramesh Kharel, has done this.An honest and sincere officer took this troble and brought this change.If we some hundren are united -can't we change our declining motherland.If we love this land -we stand all and cooperate person like SP Kharel and take our responsibilty to make corruptionless Nepal.It needs action.Not words or publicity.

BRAVO SP KHAREL-Hope you will not be changed.


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