Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Patna High Court Verdict -A statesmanship is required

Country attention has gone to the Patna High Court verdict against some Nepalese  Maoists' unwanted activities.The world's other players are also watching it carefully as its implications are undesirable.
First ,we should note that there is already a verdict-it is not a case under  hearing in a court.Verdict has already come.Whereas in the past there were more or less similar cases -but the cases were in the court hearing.Government that time were requested to withdraw the cases.Here this is not a withdrawal case rather it needs special action ,rational and sympathy by the government of India ,seeing the nature of case and the changing situation,which may be referred up to the President.
Secondly,the way it has been handling is a matter of a great pity.The way media is exposing it and the way the prime minister is bowing down is not acceptable manner for a self respected Nepali.It needs a very tacit touch but a firm action by the ministry of foreign affairs through a diplomatic channel with an essential media  exposure.Prime minister could be in the picture but not in this exposed way.State needs a dignity and a protocol to be handled this type of cases. It fact  essentials has to come to media ,no doubt, but not like this.We see our prime minister very vulnerable.
In the world there are many instances of big or small countries like this, but media is not bringing  out like this the matter.Official works go on and decide .Our pressure can be mounted throught our embassy and diplomatic channels.
Mr.Prime Minister please do not handle like this.It would be handled but a decent manner as per  our traditional and international standard.There should not be  panic any more.
You remember -13 Nepalese were killed in Iraq who were deprived by their rights and just for survival running here and there to earn two breads for their children.They were killed and there was not sufficient diplomatic exercises done to save our poor compatriots.That time also there was a lacuna of statesmanship and now a gain I see a lacuna which you are going to make.There are diplomatic medicine for all diplomatic diseases.Only we have to know  how to prescribe.
A statesmanship is prerequisite for this type of action.Exposure of diplomatic skill is first does to be given for this disease.Have to develop now.Again I repeat -a zig zag approach will complicate and may damage situation.
Do not take one time victory as a success.A victory is natural phenomenon which comes in the way of success.


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