Friday, September 16, 2011

A suggestion to the leaders of Nepal and India

It is axiomatic by now to the Nepalese and Indian leaders that in the recent past they have done some blunders, as a result of that, at present the cordial relations between Nepal and India has not remained that cordial.And both countries are suffering a lot for their mistakes.If we are really worry to correct it ,and understand its importance for the lives of the two peoples, then we must dig the roots, otherwise, with the superficial treatments  the relations would be simply a formal as use to be with any distant neighbour.
The past leader- travellers of this road had travelled on the road of sand, and now also ,they are trying  to follow the same to go.Impossible. True travellers now need to make their own way- simply know which direction they have to proceed.Only then they will make a history of achievements.Consistency is sometime repeating the old ego for new.
Foot prints on the sand never stay for successors.
A dexterous statesman or diplomat never follow the  pernicious precedence.This mania would result  a net loss  in  balance sheet of the glorified beautiful relations of our two countries.
Both countries have been suffering from a great loss in many  ways.It was never a precedence before which we  face now .Why? a big  and real question is  to be answered.If we wish to resuscitate the glory  and the beauty of the bonds of friendship at this era-we have to accept the truth and denounce the past wrong policies, because in no way it is going to serve our interests.We have seen it .To know the fire we do not have to burn our fingers many times.One time is enough. Irony is that leaders of both countries are  not aware of this simple natural law but trying to hold water in the fist.
We have to change the convulsive policies vis a vis to each other.We need a cordial relations not a mechanical.We wish now the wisdom of leaders should culminate as an exemplary behaviours for the other member's of this globe.
We must note that history is taking a turn-try now the camel should sit in our favour.This time is a vitriolic test for the both leaders.


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