Friday, September 9, 2011

UN ,NAM and Nepal

UN and NAM both are dedicated to the cause of peace in this globe, albeit ,there are violence and conflicts and battles ,every now and then, in the name of peace.To maintain peace is the biggest challenge today.And this is the test of the validity of UN,and NAM.

UN charter based on peaceful co-existence, and the charter of NAM based  mainly on panchsheel  ,judging the cases of the world in the pressure and presence of the B 5 and sometime alone super power.
In UN ,interpretations are made to justify the cases.Sometimes we agree and sometime forced to  agree.Coercion element is dominating factor in many issues for  delivering the judgement as they wish.In NAM,trying to be fair but not always, and in many cases tilted towards east or west for many known and unknown reasons.

Libya is under a bombardment,fire and violence by both sides.Theory is there but the innocent people are sacrificing their precious lives.No body is challenging the barbarian attacks after all why?where is mandate?Is there not any solution left?Syria,Yemen are the other classical examples.How to bring these type of governments under a civilian democratic norms?Has the UN  exhausted all its possibilities?Now there is no way than a forcefully insulting  citizens of any country ,compelling them to accept what we like to do?There is no values for their custom and traditions.?These are the burning questions to be understood before settling the problems.
UN to day must address these questions seriously ,otherwise, there will be one country rule in this globe and perhaps in the outer space too .

Terrorism,climate change,global warming,nuclear proliferation,small arms trading,gap of rich and poor,human rights, and the dangerous current recession simmering from USA and EU, are the main challenges.Asia and Africa would be gradually affected by it.But USA and EU are already plunged in to it.In the beginning of 2009, the negative effects of the recession was at a height ,which later wisely and collectively controlled , chiefly under the leadership of USA and EU.Now the same has revived but  unfortunately that earlier seriousness has not been  demonstrated.West must take an appropriate measures to fight with it, otherwise ,perhaps ,it is not far that  to see again the Great Depression of 1930s which had devastated the entire global economy.
It is wise to deal seriously these aspects in UN so that a just and peaceful world order could be  established.Unfortunately ,the North is not serious about it and wrongly thinking that one side alone they can manage the global recession.South,the other partner ironically has not been taken in to confidence which consequently would be the cause for the destruction of the world economy.
Nepal ,a country in transition ,must demonstrate an example of honesty ,good governance and sincerity with the tangible delivery, so that people should not repent for their lost past.Otherwise, nothing is impossible in politics.Nothing matters but the people.


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