Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nepal in the Indian Foreign Aid agenda

Nepal has been a net foreign aid recipient from the time of its first economic plan.In fact, ninety percent of the plan amount was from the foreign aid.After some years,  there was planning to reduce the dependency on the foreign aid, and consequently ,it came down up to fifty percent of the development budget.Now again, it is hiking up and up.No development plan is taken from our resources management.All is covered by foreign aid.We must not forget that foreign aid is not a free lunch -we have to pay through our nose.There is nothing called charity in diplomacy, athough, prima facia, it seems so.
India, from the beginning ,remained a great donor to Nepal.Till today, if any substantial work to be done is undertaken by India, may be out of love or compulsion.At present ,when Nepal is most unpredictable and instable country, known to the outside of world-naturally ,they hesitate to come and be engaged in the development of investment process.
India, at this time, is stretching its wings and transferring herself from a net aid  recipient to a major donor country list.Between 1951 and 1992 India herself  received about $55 billion foreign aid ,a largest recipient in the history.Now they want to play global role through the foreign aid as we see for US AID.KOICA,JICA,DAC,DFID etc.It was reported  that Govt of India has planned  $11.2 billion to spent $11.2 billion over five /seven years and indirectly manage the world opinion in its favour.They wished to create  an India Agency for Partnership in Development (IAPD).Small amount of aid to small countries work a lot.It is in the range of Australia or Scandinavian countries.It is a great plan and ambition provided that there are less strings.It seems a commendable start.
USA is largest single donor,dishing out $31 billion in 2010.China second which gave away $25 billion in 2007.(Some other place the donation amount is said $1.9 billion in 2009).Russia $422 million in 2007.
For poorest,the  new donors are more important because western aid is shrivelling.Congress is proposing to chop American aid by fifth.Brazil is giving more to Somalia for famine than France UK,Italy combined.Others seem like  last hurrah of western generosity.
As India also shows,middle income countries not need to financial transfer to help their own people.That was clear before,India has a space program, and $300 billion reserve.
No wonder, if we read Bangladesh is receiving $1 billion and Srilanka $2billion  aid from India ,now it is but natural.
Unfortunately ,we have no one to report about the new foreign aid policy of India and its generosity.Our mission Delhi is without ambassador.Even some goes they have not that much intuition and initiative by profession.We are suffering,now India has proposed to take advantage out of this favourable condition ,we are awaken and  think that it is our wisdom.Unfortunate.We must develop foeign aid policy to satisfy our needs.One body who can sees global opportunity and fit our requirements in between.
A seasoned and perfect professional diplomat with honesty and integrity can can only delver and meet the objects.


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