Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy Bada Dashain

Dear Nepali Brothers and Sisters,

On the auspicious occasion of Bada Dashain ,I express  my best wishes  to all of you.

May mata Durga Bhawani grant peace,progress and prosperity in your life.

May our motherland once again smile with  its children and see a peaceful and prosperous Nepal.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


It may be a coincidence that both Maoist Prime Ministers,Mr Prachanda and Mr Bhattarai,after having appointed as PM,have left the country in chaos and natural disaster, and went to visit foreign country.Mr Prachanda went to China to see the game and Mr Bhattarai to present himself in UN.For both of them it seems by this action that  domestic problems are not that much in priority.It is unfortunate in this regard that  those who speak so much for the welfare of the people but in action- is disappointing.
The purposes of visits could be achieved by different ways.We always  notice that  many leaders of the world return to home after hearing any bad news about country.But in our country -they go in the foreign countries  after hearing the bad news in home.It needs a serious consideration.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A suggestion to the leaders of Nepal and India

It is axiomatic by now to the Nepalese and Indian leaders that in the recent past they have done some blunders, as a result of that, at present the cordial relations between Nepal and India has not remained that cordial.And both countries are suffering a lot for their mistakes.If we are really worry to correct it ,and understand its importance for the lives of the two peoples, then we must dig the roots, otherwise, with the superficial treatments  the relations would be simply a formal as use to be with any distant neighbour.
The past leader- travellers of this road had travelled on the road of sand, and now also ,they are trying  to follow the same to go.Impossible. True travellers now need to make their own way- simply know which direction they have to proceed.Only then they will make a history of achievements.Consistency is sometime repeating the old ego for new.
Foot prints on the sand never stay for successors.
A dexterous statesman or diplomat never follow the  pernicious precedence.This mania would result  a net loss  in  balance sheet of the glorified beautiful relations of our two countries.
Both countries have been suffering from a great loss in many  ways.It was never a precedence before which we  face now .Why? a big  and real question is  to be answered.If we wish to resuscitate the glory  and the beauty of the bonds of friendship at this era-we have to accept the truth and denounce the past wrong policies, because in no way it is going to serve our interests.We have seen it .To know the fire we do not have to burn our fingers many times.One time is enough. Irony is that leaders of both countries are  not aware of this simple natural law but trying to hold water in the fist.
We have to change the convulsive policies vis a vis to each other.We need a cordial relations not a mechanical.We wish now the wisdom of leaders should culminate as an exemplary behaviours for the other member's of this globe.
We must note that history is taking a turn-try now the camel should sit in our favour.This time is a vitriolic test for the both leaders.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Patna High Court Verdict -A statesmanship is required

Country attention has gone to the Patna High Court verdict against some Nepalese  Maoists' unwanted activities.The world's other players are also watching it carefully as its implications are undesirable.
First ,we should note that there is already a verdict-it is not a case under  hearing in a court.Verdict has already come.Whereas in the past there were more or less similar cases -but the cases were in the court hearing.Government that time were requested to withdraw the cases.Here this is not a withdrawal case rather it needs special action ,rational and sympathy by the government of India ,seeing the nature of case and the changing situation,which may be referred up to the President.
Secondly,the way it has been handling is a matter of a great pity.The way media is exposing it and the way the prime minister is bowing down is not acceptable manner for a self respected Nepali.It needs a very tacit touch but a firm action by the ministry of foreign affairs through a diplomatic channel with an essential media  exposure.Prime minister could be in the picture but not in this exposed way.State needs a dignity and a protocol to be handled this type of cases. It fact  essentials has to come to media ,no doubt, but not like this.We see our prime minister very vulnerable.
In the world there are many instances of big or small countries like this, but media is not bringing  out like this the matter.Official works go on and decide .Our pressure can be mounted throught our embassy and diplomatic channels.
Mr.Prime Minister please do not handle like this.It would be handled but a decent manner as per  our traditional and international standard.There should not be  panic any more.
You remember -13 Nepalese were killed in Iraq who were deprived by their rights and just for survival running here and there to earn two breads for their children.They were killed and there was not sufficient diplomatic exercises done to save our poor compatriots.That time also there was a lacuna of statesmanship and now a gain I see a lacuna which you are going to make.There are diplomatic medicine for all diplomatic diseases.Only we have to know  how to prescribe.
A statesmanship is prerequisite for this type of action.Exposure of diplomatic skill is first does to be given for this disease.Have to develop now.Again I repeat -a zig zag approach will complicate and may damage situation.
Do not take one time victory as a success.A victory is natural phenomenon which comes in the way of success.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


FNCCI has proposed the year 2012 as Nepal Investment Year means there should be a great deal of foreign investment coming to Nepal.The level of investment  was $2 billion average in the heydays.
But now this average investment has been discouraged by the political instability and unfriendly environment from the investment point of view.
We declared 2011 as Nepal Visit year having an ambitious projection to be achieved.,But it failed. There are many reasons- mainly the political atmosphere is responsible for this debacle.The negative effects of the conflicts , labour problems and inconsistency in the rules and regulations are accountable for repulsing the investment to other countries.
Nepal has the compatitive and cocomparative advantage both but that can't be realized unless the conducive atmosphere is created.Don't think that our PM or President has declared some programs and all stakeholders would run to Nepal.Of course not.By our declaration no body is coming to visit or invest.
This Investment Year 2012 came in wrong time,though we need it ,but first put the house in order then only anticipated elements will come and comply with our production factors.
I simply mean that we need this type of zeal but the time selected is not correct.Whatever we say that we are peaceful country ,no body would come unless we prove it for some time stable.
And more over, this type of work is not the exact work of the transitional government-who lacks the credibility.I am afraid, perhaps  this would also be  a notion in plan and can not be seen in action.And my aprehension is, Nepal would further loose its credibility.Please study it well before doing-whim
will not work neither the wishful thinking.Statesmen must note this fact.

Friday, September 9, 2011

UN ,NAM and Nepal

UN and NAM both are dedicated to the cause of peace in this globe, albeit ,there are violence and conflicts and battles ,every now and then, in the name of peace.To maintain peace is the biggest challenge today.And this is the test of the validity of UN,and NAM.

UN charter based on peaceful co-existence, and the charter of NAM based  mainly on panchsheel  ,judging the cases of the world in the pressure and presence of the B 5 and sometime alone super power.
In UN ,interpretations are made to justify the cases.Sometimes we agree and sometime forced to  agree.Coercion element is dominating factor in many issues for  delivering the judgement as they wish.In NAM,trying to be fair but not always, and in many cases tilted towards east or west for many known and unknown reasons.

Libya is under a bombardment,fire and violence by both sides.Theory is there but the innocent people are sacrificing their precious lives.No body is challenging the barbarian attacks after all why?where is mandate?Is there not any solution left?Syria,Yemen are the other classical examples.How to bring these type of governments under a civilian democratic norms?Has the UN  exhausted all its possibilities?Now there is no way than a forcefully insulting  citizens of any country ,compelling them to accept what we like to do?There is no values for their custom and traditions.?These are the burning questions to be understood before settling the problems.
UN to day must address these questions seriously ,otherwise, there will be one country rule in this globe and perhaps in the outer space too .

Terrorism,climate change,global warming,nuclear proliferation,small arms trading,gap of rich and poor,human rights, and the dangerous current recession simmering from USA and EU, are the main challenges.Asia and Africa would be gradually affected by it.But USA and EU are already plunged in to it.In the beginning of 2009, the negative effects of the recession was at a height ,which later wisely and collectively controlled , chiefly under the leadership of USA and EU.Now the same has revived but  unfortunately that earlier seriousness has not been  demonstrated.West must take an appropriate measures to fight with it, otherwise ,perhaps ,it is not far that  to see again the Great Depression of 1930s which had devastated the entire global economy.
It is wise to deal seriously these aspects in UN so that a just and peaceful world order could be  established.Unfortunately ,the North is not serious about it and wrongly thinking that one side alone they can manage the global recession.South,the other partner ironically has not been taken in to confidence which consequently would be the cause for the destruction of the world economy.
Nepal ,a country in transition ,must demonstrate an example of honesty ,good governance and sincerity with the tangible delivery, so that people should not repent for their lost past.Otherwise, nothing is impossible in politics.Nothing matters but the people.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Prime Minister- a Diplomatic advice to you.

Congratulations! on your election as Prime Minister of Nepal.

You know that you have entered in a forte at a time when nothing is in order, and means and sources are adverse to the situation.You have accepted a Herculean task.We wish you a success.
Things are not that easy  as what you perhaps calculated.It is far  complicated than your own calculation.By this time you might have realized.
First of all you should again contemplate what is your strength and weakness?.You have something very positive which I see perhaps you are not aware of,similarly the weakness.And this unawareness may put you in a difficult situation.
Party and nation are two different objects.Nation needs you.
In a very positive atmosphere that you have received wishes,congratulations and invitation to visit India from the Indian Prime Minister.Better do a good start with a very serious thoughts with a pragmatic ideas.
Convention has to go if you want to make a change.It needs very realistic approaches.
See also the limitations which is tied in a fragile and tender stripe.
The north neighbour is equally important.You have to understand after all how we have made both happy in the past?A deep study in this chapter need to be revisited.
Europe ,USA and UN are other important players which needs immediate attention.
You are a learned man and your team too,but it needs something to alarm at the time of confidence.All the best for you.