Friday, July 11, 2014

Love Only Can Win Hate

By killing someone we can't eradicate crime.The crime has a cause that we have to understand the reason after all why this type of crime or violence's are taking place in spite of retaliatory measures taken much stronger?.Retaliation is a revenge that would never pay.Just love your enemy and give something more that what he desires and see next time he will pay you more than you have never seen in your dream.This is true.
And this only a win win way to go.Unfortunately we don't understand this value and believe on our strength.Mind it I repeat mind it your smile will win the enemy than your flexing muscle.
Now see what is happening in Israel and Gaza ?.All the time hate ,attack,killings both sides ,both are taking measures to any action from the either side but the result is more flaring ?? then ? Means this nit the way to handle the problems.First stop attacking each other for  six months and in that time start some programs of better understanding appreciation each other.Then see the miracle result -no side would like to be down -both will come forward to show they are better than other side.
Why to waste time in making West Bank and Gaza in one identity? Let them stay as they like in a system- one be republic and another Islamic Republic. So what- no problem we have seem two Germany unification,Yemen unification and so on.....Time will come and they will realize the reality.They need identity and an independent country ,let them have this and rest leave on future action by the international community positively.I am very sure tomorrow the crisis of midleeast would vapor like air and the sugar would be dissolve in the water without any notice.


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