Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I am sure many people are seeing the same fate as I am  for our country.Our country is falling rapidly to a deep drench where no one knows where it would dash to its last counting breathe.If it happens so it will be most unfortunate for we all Nepalese living in or abroad.

Yes, country is heading to a confronting stage where no one has allegiance for the motherland ,rather their ego,lust for wealth and selfishness are determining the actions and reactions of the lords of the country.For this particular time, this has become meaningless  for them to say that we need tolerance,peaceful co-existence,respect for others and love to the most suffered population.Country belongs to we all ,and thus ,the idea carries by any group must be respected with the same dignity.

It is known to everybody that we all are cheating each other for this or that reason.There is no ethical consistencies or morality in any political party.Self interest is playing the vital role for the short term  time benefits.In the long run we all would be defeated in the hand of a unseen player/s.By that time we would have been lost all our belongings.And it would be a simple cry in wilderness.Sometimes I remember how were our great great fore fathers who did not care for their lives ,and sacrifice themselves for the sweet smile of the beloved motherland ?.I salute them million times.Are we feeling proud to be the children of the same fore father?or we feel shame in remembering them?We are just ungrateful if so.

Therefore, if we want to see a safe,beautiful,peaceful and progressive nation in deed,better ,we all groups be together without prejudices, and share the fate with our labours ,and change the bad coming days.Liberal and Conservative ,we all must now realize and be united with our historical glory and institution,and share the love of our nation according to the democratic norms in the present context.

If not,no one can perhaps stop,the worst days in front of us.Disaster is waiting for us.

And in this case, if emergency has been imposed ,then nothing wrong in doing so, because nothing on this earth is precious than the motherland.


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