Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Time Manages if We don't Manage

Yes that's right.If do not obey the nature , nature manages us.This we have seen in our life.And the nature is the great teacher those who learned from it they innovated great discovery and those who just neglected it they are badly punished.
I am this time talking about the BRICS meeting in Brazil.Now we have two financial institutions one for investment and other for the monetary reformatin.Both will lend the developing countries to correct the irregularities in the financial and monetary fields.This has not come automatically but is the reaction of the prejudicial behaviour of the World Bank and IMF.We agree or not the fact is this and this is in existence.
If it goes complimentary to each other then well and good if not that will create a different world.I am wary for this and wish to draw the atrtention of all concerned.
Tomorrow why not to think the weakness of the United Nations which is blamed working in the tune of the powerful countries and thus a new United Nations who works for poor countries and give juse to all those who are not heart.?
I advise to the concerned to take appropriate measure to correct the weakness of those institutions and protect our planet in going to anomaly.It is a challenge to all thi\ose who are handling the world affairs to be alerted and behave in a balanced way whether they are poor,black,LDC or any categories.

Time and Tide wait for None

Water is for the time being a great resource for Nepal.The proper use of it would make Nepal richer in the region no doubt.Therefore we should not be timid in using this resource for any reason unqualified.Business is a name of give and take and also a name of win win game.Chankya while preparing Chandragupta to fight back with the enemy king strongly ordered him because time was ripe to attack and Chandragupta was looking for a fairer chance to attack.Chankya said- O Chandra never waste your time recognise the pulse of time,remember Time and Tide wait for none.
Similarly,in the history of friendship of Nepal India there are many curves going up and down for its own known unknown reasons,wisdom asks us to learn from the past and correct it and at least don't repeat it.
We should try to understand both side feelings and grievances.Koshi and Gandaki were cited unfair practices adopted in the water sharing agreements.if so,we have full time to discuss and counter propose if there is any unsuitable article has been phrased in the proposed Indian agreements.This is open.If some proposal comes then we should not react this way.We produce new idea what we want?and negotiate.
We should not forget that we have wasted five decades and gained zero Penny.In this context,we rather appreciate the feelings that Nepal wants India and India needs Nepal.If a feelings of our vedic relations ,traditional relations,and a strong bonds of socio-economic relations and kept in the Acton no problem can stand in between.We have to work in the spirit of cooperation for each other which eventually pay to either party if it is a success.
We should use wisdom and not allow any unwanted idea in between because this is related with peace and prosperity of our country .Recognize the time and act accordingly,this is only a way to make a Happy Nepal.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Justice for all

It was heart breaking news to read and listen a Malaysian Airline is shot down.After all who and why killed about 300 innocents boarded in the aircraft?.They should be brought to the justice no matter who are they?
But at the same we should be equal to all.We see on the other hand,in Gaza and Israel so many killings ? but we are taking it as it has to be happened? what makes it a news? as if it is nothing important.Don't we think that a great injustice to the people of that region.It has to be stopped.
Everybody has the right to live in peace with dignity and why they have not?
If we don't take it seriously some other order will come to correct it, better the existing world order address it with a compromise for ever.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Are we only spectators?

The tragedy going on in the Gaza and Israel areas are the most unfortunate and irresponsible actions.Please stop it urgently otherwise it would flare up hidden war inside.UN and Security council members must act without delay to save the innocent killings and advert the possible escalation of unpredictable war.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Love Only Can Win Hate

By killing someone we can't eradicate crime.The crime has a cause that we have to understand the reason after all why this type of crime or violence's are taking place in spite of retaliatory measures taken much stronger?.Retaliation is a revenge that would never pay.Just love your enemy and give something more that what he desires and see next time he will pay you more than you have never seen in your dream.This is true.
And this only a win win way to go.Unfortunately we don't understand this value and believe on our strength.Mind it I repeat mind it your smile will win the enemy than your flexing muscle.
Now see what is happening in Israel and Gaza ?.All the time hate ,attack,killings both sides ,both are taking measures to any action from the either side but the result is more flaring ?? then ? Means this nit the way to handle the problems.First stop attacking each other for  six months and in that time start some programs of better understanding appreciation each other.Then see the miracle result -no side would like to be down -both will come forward to show they are better than other side.
Why to waste time in making West Bank and Gaza in one identity? Let them stay as they like in a system- one be republic and another Islamic Republic. So what- no problem we have seem two Germany unification,Yemen unification and so on.....Time will come and they will realize the reality.They need identity and an independent country ,let them have this and rest leave on future action by the international community positively.I am very sure tomorrow the crisis of midleeast would vapor like air and the sugar would be dissolve in the water without any notice.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Five Carore to CA Members

If five carore are given to CA members means all Nepali should understand now onward there is openly loot tantra.They are the people who could not write the constitution in 4 years and unfortunately the Assembly was dissolved without any delivery.Now they came with a consolidated promise that this time first priority is constitution writing -and what happened now they forgot their promise and came to their real intention they need money nothing else.We all should do our best to stop it and take measures for checking all wrong doings because these people are not committed to the betterment of country but to themselves only.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Nowadays we are reading  many news everyday regarding violence.This violence generates by hate in one or another way.Religion is such a phenomena that creates in a natural way a fragrant feelings of love to all.If it fails in doing so means it fails in its objective.Religion should never be a breed of dispute - here we all are failing to understand.In our opinion we promote religion but but for other perhaps we spread hate.Here we have to be careful.Any discussion on the validity of Sai Baba is unwarranted.Society will not accept it.Rather we would go in a black hole of discussion which has no end.
Please stop this type of discussion and respect all religions with a tolerance.Certainly no religion should harm other with a motive.