Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy Birth Day to You Dhurba Dai

We are strange people,We hardly talk about others, and if at all, we talk the negative side of that person.Secondly,we appraise anyone when he dies ,and hardly say good words when he is alive.What a misery?.
Novelist Dr. Dhurba Chandra Gautam is a man who deserves a lot of praise for his contributions to the Nepali literature.His contributions has added the treasure of our language and literature.He is from Birganj,  of course a jewel of Birganj, and a bright start in the horizon of Nepalese literature.
You are very humble to say very simple words for yourself Dhurba Dai-but you deserve more.I am also one who is inspired from your love to poems in Birganj more than 50 years ago.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Historical Mistake.

Recently a think tank exercise of Indian scholars along with Nepalese on the Indo-Nepal Relations grossly admitted India's foreign policy failure vis-a-vis Nepal.Last year also one high level meeting of the same nature was organized in Delhi for the same purpose.If someone take the pain to see that time what I had  said in the blog as an advice to the Indian leaders that  can explain at large.
Without repeating those  mistakes again,I simply say  we have still time-  India should correct this historical mistake.Situation will come to normal and that would be not only better for Nepal, but for India too, and for the world peace at large.
All we should learn  that by accepting mistakes -we do not become small but a great in the eyes of others.You do not have to say I am great - rather people will say - You Are Great !.


At this moment all Nepalese are thinking after all why we need  the President and the Army in Nepal when we are so much humiliated inside and outside of the country?.
Who will save us ?.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Condolences To France

Maurice Herzog is no more.Long live Maurice Herzog, a man who first brought Nepal to the picture of world mountaineering even before Hillary who conquered Mount Everest.
Maurice Herzog conquered Mount Annapurna,above 8000 meter on 3 June 1950.A time when there was nothing like facility for this job.Annapurna victory was a history in the world scaling over 8000 mt mountain.In doing so Maurice lost his fingers of hands and feet. It is he who opened the challenge to the world mountaineers to look ahead accept the adversity for the benefits of human beings.
I met this noble man  at the bottom of Mt Alps,Chamounix,where first 8000 mt.over mountaineers were gathered for the summit.That time I was acting ambassador of our country in France and in that capacity I met him.I found the tremendous love,affection,and feelings for Nepal in his bottom of heart.He had done a great service to that Annapurna mountain area and range ,and as a result of that toda,Annapurna trekking is so much famous ,and earning for the livelihood of Nepalese of that area.
I salute for his love to our motherland.Nepal.
Nepalese will ever be grateful to Maurice Herzog.
Our sincere condolences to France and the family of Maurice Herzog..

Homage to Pandit Ravi Shanker

Pandit Ravi Shanker died  leaving a huge vacuum in the world of music.I great loss to the natural bonds which was integrated  with the rhythm of insanity of winds,recklessness of waves and purity of snow on the top of mountains.Life was felt in his creations-and life was inspired in his presentation-and life was accepted as allegiance in his musical meditation.
A solemn dedication to his thoughts, a natural behaviour of music, could be a true gratitude to him, and true tribute to him. By doing this only the new philosophy of music can be resuscitated.
Our NAMAN to this great son of Mata Sarswati.

Indictment on Forehead of Men

The barbarian behaviour and heinous act done to Shiva Hasmi  resulted to her death is a unpardonable crime committed.Whosoever has done this act must be severely punished to the maximum.This is an indictment on the forehead of humanity.All we men should fight with women against it.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Protocol Is Most Important

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr Narayan Kaji Sreshtha yesterday revealed with a fact that he has become helpless and dumb because  the top leaders are not following the ethics of politics ,and going against the interests of the nation, inviting foreign power in between.
And thus, he wishes to quit the politics.In first point ,I intend to agree with him-because this government has touched down the lowest ebb in the moral ground.Govt lost all moral ground to exist.
But what I do not agree with Mr Sreshtha is that he should rather raise his voice against the wrong deeds than giving up it cowardly.I had  in my previous writings criticized him for his non reactionary behaviors, but today, I am happy that he opened his mouth.
We all have the same quandary- We are with you Mr Sreshtha in all national interests.Here what I suggest you- Fight Back.
Respect of nation is above all.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Imposing Emergency In The Country

There is a news that in the talk between the President and the Prime Minister,  there was somebody unauthorized outside element ?.We often say this is not in order ! I ask what is in order that we are looking and singling out someone act out of order?.
From good governance point of view country is already collapsed and she needs emergency treatment.Nothing else would be better treatment for this moment to the nation than an imposition of Emergency.Delay means more loss to the motherland.We donot have to take permission from anybody for doing so, rather we have to show them that whatever we have done that is in the greater interest of the country.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tribute to Late I.K.Gujaral,Former Prime Minister of India

Former Prime Minister of India I.K.Gujral passed away,We are socked and bereaved by this news.It is an irreparable loss for both India and Nepal.He was a very loving leader who loved Nepal with more than his capacity.We Nepali are ever grateful for his contributions offered in solidifying the bonds of friendship between Nepal and India.
I am the testimony of his generosity for Nepal.I brought him in the state visit to Nepal. That time, I was acting ambassador in the Nepalese Embassy  at Delhi.I know how all were not very much agreeing with him for his attitude towards Nepal with respect to his  doctrine of Non-reciprocity.But he was a man of conviction, and had a clear vision, that a country like Nepal must enjoy this gesture by a capable country like India. India had and has its own problems, even though ,he thought it is its moral duty to support Nepal in all difficult times.And he did.
Doctrine of Non reciprocity,and,route granted from Fulwari to Bangladesh was not a joke or easy decision to take.India was afraid that time with Puraulia arm drops.But even in the midst of that it was a very sensitive gift given to Nepal by India, keeping risk for its own.But he did.We can't  forget his love and affections for Nepal.
I am very honored that that time that I was heading the Nepali Embassy, and all happened during my tenure.He had many times talked with me about this personally,ask many things regarding the wishes of people and real needs of the country.He was also aware of the fact about the Indian media comments that time, but what I can't forget during that time what he said -  a leader is he who sees that  is not seen by others.
Perhaps he wanted to underline that Nepal - Indian Relations can be compared with any other relations.

Palestine State -a Wise Decision

Palestine State has been  de facto recognized  by the United Nations General Assembly with a majority votes.Some were absent and some were against.It is natural.But the work which has been accomplished is a milestone and remarkable,It is a historic decision in the annals of the world history.Tomorrow it will be proved that whatever decision taken for this, to resolve the stalemate, is a bold and courageous act.It is a far sighted decision and will reasonably  impact on the peace process of the middle east .USA and Israel including Arab world must show a wisdom this time to grab the opportunity of peace prevailed in the horizon.Best of Luck to all.

Get Well Soon Manisha

Dear daughter of Nepal,Manisha Koirala.
We all are worried for your health and pray to almighty for your rapid recovery.We are confident that you will fight back with coming difficulties as per your strong conviction and will come out with a lovely smile.God bless you.