Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fire in Syria Must be Extinguished

Syria has become a horn of Arab, where spring does not allow to spread over.This much killing to innocent people can't be permitted for any reason.Any innocent death is a black spot on the face of civilization.We are living in third millennium ,and behaving as the medieval age .
First of all, killing and fighting must be stopped immediately by both sides ,and allowed peace a chance  to breathe there. Cease fire is precondition for any further action in the favour of the Syrian ,and the globe in totality.The whole world is affected by this barbarian action in Syria. And surprisingly ,no one developing country, or NAM, is speaking in this regard to stop the fighting and starting peace negotiation.If any one come forward ,that is only Syria's strategic partner ,who  helps  in aggravation, not in suppression of violence.
In this connection,  it would be appropriate, that UN  and NAM must come forward and use their influences in maintaining peace and ending battle in Syria.A free poll can tell what the people of that land wish to see ?, and accordingly, the ruler Assad must follow the mandate of the people.If people like that Assad should go ,then no question comes to stand in between.He must go ,better- he himself arrange his departure by inviting UN and NAM leaders for smooth and graceful sailing the affairs .He has still time, otherwise, I am afraid, it would be perhaps too late.
West has taken a good lesson in Libya, and, therefore, restraining in going to that extent.I think they had crossed the limit that time ,which they are paying now.But after all, this not they, but we Third World people are suffering. We must correct ourselves before someone teach a lesson.We know well what to do? and what in better in our interests?

Paradoxically, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal does not speak anything. After all, what is  the the policy of Nepal ?- should we allow them to go this way ,or we can play an advisory role by giving good advice in the framework of NAM  for pacifying the situation, and finding a path ,acceptable to all three parties?.
I think, we need multi- approaches in this complex and dangerous  spot .But in the first place, a new approach with a new outlook  covering the  lapses in the past moves by Kofi Annan, should be implied  and  brought by a new mediator  without any hidden agenda.
Mind it-hidden agenda will back fire in this regard.
Perhaps ,handling in this way  may be helpful  in advancing  the process in the desired direction.
To me ,it seems in the Syrian context, once again the world sought a solution somewhere  between acqiesence and war.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Merit only for the senior most post.

The dispute, to make chief secretary, has now become a battle of moustache ,
This is a post where capable person can only be  posted,in this context, whosoever is capable -  he/she deserves the post, not  on the other basis of  criteria. If we politicize this type of  selection, then mind it, it will be irreparable loss to the country.
I agree,Women,Dalit, or Madheshi, any one, must be well represented in the organization, but  in the entry time ,not in the upper echelon without merit. Upper echelon should be given strictly on the merit basis who is capable to deliver ..
For the unprivileged class ,if they are equally meritorious in that case,  ofcourse ,this class people should get a chance and priority to serve. But not simply because someone is this or that.
Think coolly,if we do not go according to merit, then country will badly suffer and  there will be no any strong person in the secretariate, who can tell - this is right or wrong - to the non professional persons.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Irrational Perks to the VVIP- it is corruption

To be a rational is the best way of dealing with life.One should be rational in own life ,and wish also to see other in the similar manner.Recently the government has given a package of facilities to the Ex-VVIPs and VIPs.Normally ,in principle, it is an acceptable topic  for being translated in to action.But the degree it has marked in a poor country is too much. Our capacity does not permit to extent the facilities to that extent.
Particularly in a country where citizens die because of Jiwan Jal and citamol.Where women descend down in mountain miles to fetch a bucket of water, where child students are drown in  rivers passing while passing through a rope.  Pregnant women die in the absence of very basic supports ,in that country, if some body offers this much perks to Ex officials-I will say this also a corruption.And those who are receiving this perk also should think that this is not proportionate to his sacrifice.Thus, receiving more than a share is also a corruption.A proper rational should be set in the context of our situation.
No harm in doing that.It is rather good thing to offer.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Madheshi Prime Minister of Nepal

Once Prophet Muhammad climbed on a hill ,and asked the followers who were down the hill, "Do you see that what I see from here?, Can you see that what I see from here? "The followers understood the meaning of Prophet and bow down to him, and said, Oh Rasul ! I have no doubt about you-you are the messenger of Allah".

Now, I do not mean to equate anyone with any one-the above narration is a lesson for us to understand , and to correct our behaviors if   corrupted at all , that's all.

We find  a similar  scenario here, all are confused and discussing with their limited knowledge and interest, If someone share some idea to them ,they refuse to accept-either because they think they are wiser than anybody else , or they do not know the truth , or they are worthless people  who  have to simply plunder the treasure of the nation - in these circumstances  why to listen all these talks?
I do not know - they know better.
Long  but not very long ago, there was Mahendra Narayan Nidhi,a  madheshi politician,in a political party, and once there was a fair chance for him to be the Prime Minister of Nepal ,but he was bypassed by someone for many known reasons.We do not know till how much damage we have done to the nation by doing that. Now if,I repeat if, those who feel themselves as a great political players, please think what I say in this complex and insipid political situation- this is an opportunity to give this post to a Madheshi leader-time will prove that you have done a historically wise decision ,and the country and country persons will be ever obliged for this decision. Rest sure- it will have  snow ball effects  If you are  reading my comment now- just contemplate-you will find a serious  meaning with a great solution.

Chankya  once said  to Chandra  Gupta - "Sometime by accepting defeat you emerge as a victorious person. Sometimes there are  situation appears that you understand but do not speak- but act vigorously to achieve the goal which you have understood without speaking.
Contemplate if you have time on  these ideas  humbly offered to you.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cowaradly Revealation of FM

Morality is the great asset in the life of politicians. Developed countries have set examples ,for  any wrong doings means  - accepting  the responsibility ,and resigning ,or being ready for taking punishments.I say it  happens normally in the western countries.. But in our country or region, normally politicians do not accept the responsibility ,and try to escape from any punishment.This is the big difference.
Here, we do wrong ,and very easily transfer the onus to other persons and self remain Mr Clean.Paradoxically, yesterday we heard  our Foreign Minister saying that he was against BIPPA signed with India ,where as he was present in the signing ceremony.But he shifted the responsibility to the Prime Minister ,but again ,why he did not tender his resignation if he was not in the favour ? and why after so many months when it is proved that the agreement was not in the favour of Nepal, then only he has opened the card that he was against of it..? Coward act, merely cowardly act.
FM can not escape like this ,he is equally responsible what was done in his presence, otherwise ,he should have opposed the agreement in  that time if he was in a true sense a leader what he claims or thinks?
Now declaring all the facts ,makes no sense ,if he has little moral left,he should now  resign on this point. People will appreciate.
Other politicians should also take a lesson from this event, that if you wish to be a great leader, accept the responsibility ,and raise your moral value high and high.
Remember, if the people will distrust you ,then you will not even  have  room in your home too.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Odious practice is pernicious for all.

Seeing the painful situation of the globe and particularly Nepal, I am seriously feeling for a new equation what world needs today.


After all , how a new order can be emerged for a welfare state to grant an equatable Justice with full dignity to the  human being ?.It is axiomatically taken a shame for the advantageous group that we all are living in a great disparity.I am fully confident that this is the root cause of all evils ,and if we wish to come out of this vicious circle, better start now, to reduce significantly and equatably the gap of rich and poor.Today, the need is to resuscitate the world order  for the discarded economy and society which has been deprived from their legitimate rights.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Holy month Ramadan is going on.
On this spiritual  month,our Muslim brothers and sisters, whole day, from dawn to dusk, suffer a lot, without eating and drinking even a drop of water  ,to realize the pain of others, and try to help those  who are helpless. The whole month they use in  praying of Allah.
All Muslim, they help the poors  according to their capacity.By doing this  they feel coming closer to Allah.
I wish them-       RAMADAN KARIM.

Mission is waiting for you-Wake up

Sometimes before, and now, and often, I think that this precious life granted by the Almighty God must not go in vain,unproductive and in isolation.God is so kind that He created us as human being, where we could be a snake,mole,rat ,dog,mosquito or anything...  But, He made us human being, the best creation on this earth.Then,what is our duty? Should we not be accountable for our life, and its expected contributions??
We,  whole life ,remained  self centered ,never thought for others ,if at all, on the point of solely our benefits first. Dedication and cooperation with appreciation of others have been disappeared from ours deeds chart, rather replaced by,selfishness,violence and conflict. Love ,compassion and sacrifice have become a mythological character . .The present society has become a safe ground for the wrong doers  like Ravan , where Ram has yet to be born.
We all those think that he/she can't contribute something for the society and for himself/herself-is completely untrue.We can- let us generate the power from inside which is granted by the God, and come forward, then see ,how situation becomes positive and cooperative with you. You are not alone ,many many steps would be  marching with you , and you are heading to achieve the aim of your life in the stipulated time. Mission is waiting for you.Woke up!!
God helps those who help himself.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Lesson For Life - Good Bye Rajesh Khanna !

Man comes and man goes, but I go for ever.Brooks says so.
Yesterday,Indian film first super star Rajesh Khanna passed away.He may be remembered for many reasons ,but what I say and write for him, is his role in 'Annand'. Annand can't die.
It is universal truth.
Death is the only truth of a life whose strings are in the hand of God. No body knows which string He draw and when? .Life is a puzzle-don't die before death-you are still alive - enjoy life.
A great philosophy of life-leads for a Happy Life.He travelled a journey- a long journey-no body  knows no body understands.But he ,before his departure, says 'time has been completed-pack up'.A true artist who remained  punctual with his life.
May his departed soul rest in eternal peace.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Win the Game.

Everybody wants to be winner- and nobody likes to be looser.
If there anything which presents you only victory then what you will do?You will certainly wish to accept it-is n't it? Truth is only a fact that  always provides you victory.Therefore , better accept the  truth, and become a winner.But our perception is different ,and we are indifferent in accepting truth unless it physically comes  in our favour.
Today, all political parties,people, and monarchy ,all are trying to win. All think that they are right and others are not. But fact and the truth is only one.
You also claim that you are a brave leader, who always does right things ,and accepts truth,but here you failed in  accepting the truth ,and missed the opportunities to do the excellence to our motherland.
All you know that the country is degrading day by day, but for that ,you make responsible to the others.This is paradox.Where is truth then?
Country  and and its interest is only  the truth ,and to achieve it by the all moral ways is correct .But we never  move a step ahead without conspiracy.In all sense advantages should bag to us ,and loss to others.This has become a guiding theory of the prevailing politics of Nepal .Mind it -this will never serve the nation, rather, in the long run will damage to you .

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Basic Principles of Politics

I am surprised to see that our politicians have forgotten  basic and natural principles of politics .Firstly,it is the word- impossible. Have you forgotten that in politics ,nothing is impossible ?. Our own history is in front of us.What was impossible -all became possible, and then again you are saying for any action-it is impossible.It  is advisable to the politicians for kindly correcting  this concept which may put them in a danger and difficult position.
Secondly,anything or event in the history does not mean that that is blocked for ever ,and will not occur again.You also have realized this fact  in our own country that history repeats. Time we do not know, but it repeats.
These two important principles of politics must not be overruled-it is universal truth.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Realization of Truth ?

Yesterday , the scene in the Nirmal Niwas, and in the country as well ,was different ,with a different message to the people,parties, and the world as a whole. It was birthday of the former King Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.A clear message from the sea of people ,who were gathered to extend the felicitations to the king , was that  they  are fed up with the newly advented system ,and now realized  that the old days were far better than the present one.Citizens have lost their values ,and the nation has lost its image and prestige.
The King,on the other hand, has given the impression that now he can 't wait since the people and the country have been betrayed .He himself has been betrayed, five years ago, by the political parties, who  had agreed to retain  the constitutional /ceremonial monarchy, if the dissolved  parliament is revived.The king  had revived that, but the first sitting of the constituent assembly  totally abolished the monarchy  against the spirit of  the agreement.Even, if we see the document, they had agreed to abolish the dictatorial monarchy ,not the constitutional or ceremonial monarchy.But they played the game  against the agreement and the wishes of the people.
The unskillful,inexperienced ,and dishonest parties and politicians had tried to run the show ,but they totally failed in  delivering  the fruits to the people. People  became  angry and felt badly cheated.
But no one speaks against the  unaccountable politiciens.
It gives a message to the international communities including the neighbours, that enough is enough- no more stupidity,please stop ,and help in stopping it .,Because you are also one of the responsible,in some extent, in bringing chaos in Nepal.If you are honest,accept it ,and come forward in the reconstruction works of Nepal.
