Wednesday, February 15, 2012


We Nepalese are made of a very different material.It is always hard for us to accept the truth though that untruth has becoming the cause of plunging Nepal in a insoluble crisis.
Few years back there was polling type work proceeded by the BBC London, whether Nepal should be economically a part of Nepal because we are not functioning well our own.That time we nationalist Nepali roared and say non sense to BBC.Mind it country is not functioning its own rather outside force is technically making it alive.Practically we are not a functioning state.Budget is made out of huge unscientific taxes and with the remittance of our labour in abroad.No export-only import for the purpose of smuggling?no industries,no agriculture, no law and order and even a basic norms of the state.
Now,countries are trying to put Nepal in black list what wrong?We have done nothing to check corruption or increasing the natural economic activities then why to say no?It is already a failed state who failed to deliver the basic things to the people.Neither its economy is capable to take the responsibility to pay its need.
I have been saying this element since long time if some reads me.To save the country, from this  ignonimious state, there is only a way  that emergency must be imposed  and bring it back the country  in right and honorable track.


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