Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ardous US Presidential Election

I am extremly impressed by the oratory skill of President Obama,last night. The way and style, he has used for changing the tone of adverse atmosphere in his favour,that can't but fully appreciated by everyone The whole scenarion, in this election period, are going against his administration,but he dextoriously tried to make it as a natural fallout of the international scene. This was not at all an easy task to metamorphosis a black in to white.I am succumbed of the style,confidence ,and skill of president Obama.I salute this quality.
On the other side of the coin, unimpressive growth of national economy,immigration,unemployment,bad debts,loose law and order, and uncontrolled foreign policy, all  were presented as minus points of President Obama. But that, surprisingly ,could not make Obama looser in the debate by the  presidential candidate Romney.
Albeit it is true, that only a scropulous promise, and skill of presentation, can't feed the hungry people.That needs bread and butter.And this truth, president Obama ,could not overide with hallow smile ,and mere gesture. After four years, people of USA has become wise enough to judge, what they need actually ?. and what they made mistake in the past ?. In spite of all Obama's charismatic presentation in the presidential debate , even at this gloomy stage, I see a fair chance for Romney to replace Obama .Truth can't be masked for long time.Socio-political ,and economic realities have become determental factors in the presidential election on 7 November..Horses and bayonets have still some space to play or will back fire ?, we have yet to see!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Malala-You are Peace Angel

Today again, I wish to talk about Malala.This brave girl , at this minor age, has done that noble work, which in whole life not possible for us to be performed. The conviction and commitment demonstrated in her deeds, are full of values and merits. The whole world ,and the United Nations, have taken oath for the disappearance of ignorance from this planet, which goes in a very slow pace. This girl Malala, raised her voice  for her right to be educated, and to be an active  partner of the globe. A very revolutionary and bold step taken by a weak member of the Muslim close society, particularly in Talibani atmosphere. She did not care for her life but opened her mouth for her universal right.
Today, she is fighting for her own life-but I am very sure ,as she has challenged the Taliban authority-she will challenge her right to survive- and she will come out of the hospital with a great smile of victory.
Her this brave deed must be recognized by the United Nations and the by world.She must be rewarded by  we all.Let us not be shy in this noble work.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012




          Rambhakta Thakur





Sunday, October 14, 2012

Malala Can't Die

Malala can't die,she is truth. May God bless her and grant a long life.Light of truth can't be covered by the darkness of cloud .If it is ,it is for short time .May be an ordeal in the search of God.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tennis Diplomacy

I read a reporting on the visit of Mr. Kamal Thapa in the Telegraph Nepal today.It is a meaningful visit, though made for tennis game. Mr Thapa is skillful player both in  politics or in  tennis.Game is game ,and the winner is Alexander.
There is no doubt to be casted that our political players have been failed in managing the game in the favour of country and people. And the clear result, we are reaping in every minutes of life.Even the Indian friends, whatsoever say , but truth is that they have also failed.In my opinion, we should without shame ,accept the truth, and be engaged in repairing the damages done by the wrong deeds.This is what wisdom suggests.
I see the tennis diplomacy will bring significant result in disguised form.Whatever is good, for country and its people, is great, and should be welcomed.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nepal - A Failed State ?

I am happy to see, that day by day ,our political leaders  are also convinced, and coming to media, saying Nepal  is almost failed state.I am not happy that it is becoming, but because politicians  also understood the crisis, at least now,which I have been ventilating since a year.
Nepal has been failed in all fronts.A sate has some obligations to deliver, the universal system,merits and its benefits to the nation and the people, which we see non.
In economic front,it is regressive,because our exports is hundred hundred times lesser than imports.Imports are all luxury, which has nothing to do with the productivity of nation.
Industries are closing fast and many have already shut down.
Law and order are on sale-impunity is at climax- war lords are the real master of the nation still now.
Socially, we are so much broken in to pieces, that even  amrit would not help to fix it in to one.Our values,culture,civilization are taking last breathe. Hatred society has been appeared from this revolution.
Politically, in the international field,we have no value ,and being rated like Afghanistan,Somalia,and other devastated countries. Bhutan and Cambodia are far better than us now.
We were leader of LDCs,LLDCs, Peace Keeping,Cultural Promoters,NAM, and many others in the past , but all lost now.We are back bencher.
Country is paying for all its wrong purchases by the hard earning of our compatriots in abroad. The foreign aid is meaning fully donated by the Donner's to keep us alive on ventilator This is also not because of their mercy, but vested interests ,which they expect we serve for them.If aid is stopped ,and the labours ,who are abroad, are back, then can we survive a day?What we have left to utilize ?
Do you know, Nepal was world ranking 5 rice exporter in 60s, and now we are net importer?Nepal was  no. 3 in Jute production in the world ,and now we import? South Korea was at par with us in 60's,and see now where we stand?.
Where we do feel proud to be Nepali? We have lost everything for this change? A new Nepal, who has no image, no vision, no honest leaders, and  no commitments? Where rich became more richer and poor more poorer? It is beyond your imagination that  except those who wrongly became richer, our society common family hardy eat everyday dal bhat and tarkari? They can not  afford all three -either dal bhat or bhat tarkari- For this we had seen a dream? Where in front of open eyes, strong men of this country robbed the treasury of the nation, and Government can not say anything? Billions VAT is robbed ,but even we cannot show their names - ,taking action to them is beyong immagination for our politicians ?.Outside  Nepal people know us as  a safe heaven for criminals?.
Likewise, there are thousands thousands scandals to be mentioned - but we do not agree that country is in a grave crisis-our for most duty is to set free Mother Nepal from it. Why do we earn illegal money?, that all must be nationalized ,and culprit must be sent to jail? Those money deposited in foreign country, without delay, must be nationalized-because all are black money  Many ,so  called leaders, are trying to bring back in the country in that name of  FDI to make it white.
Do not make us fool.Please remember - no  one ruler will  stay for ever-it is not a prediction, but a truth-coming days -someone will take your account and then? I do not want to say what will happen? think yourself- we have still time-correct ourselves .

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Don't Commit Historical Mistake

Sometimes,I myself contemplate, why after all, we only do any work in a wrong way? For me,I simply understand that we, who say, I am the man ! , is very far from the real knowledge, and thus ,takes all wrong decision or intends to perform in pernicious way.
It is not my intention here  to deride any person, but to attract their attentions on the fact- are we committed to destroy the country ? ,or we feel it is  our solemn duty to correct our wrong deeds, if committed by mistakes or other way?.
Country is desperately looking for a safe passage-as  we had read in the history that Manju Shree had given to Kathmandu by hitting a mountain with the sword. Someone brave has to be appeared ,and say - oh Mother Nepal I am here to protect you, don't worry !
See,country is in a dead-lock and in a complex impasse, and we are only looking for our benefits even at the death bed?.Where has our wisdom gone? Why are we asking to make a politician PM now at the stage of election? Person who are near any political party, can  he/she  do free and fair election? No , then why are we proposing some Daman Dhungana or Sunder Mani and others for this work?
We have a great example of Bangladesh ,who had a worst political crisis in the recent past, and how they managed to overcome from it?,
Don't be afraid, make a retired Chief Justice as a care taker Govt Chief, and with a team of honest and capable non politicians, let them run the country for this period. After election, see what people orders,then  handover the power to the  elected person.This is what wisdom demands ,and this will be best in this unfortunate time for we Nepali.
Please do not go in a wrong way-Let us restart and respect the verdict of the people.
In my opinion-this is the last card to play-don't make historical mistake.After this, country will turn to a curve, where there is no point of return.