Thursday, June 28, 2012

Diplomatic Debacle Visit to Brazil

As of now,Acting Prime Minister ,Dr Baburam Bhattarai, must have understood his value and importance, in the international community,and within the country itself. Man comes from the power of gun  ,goes in the same way. Gun can't stand before pen.
In Rio de generio,Brazil, whatever he has done ,was a rutual,  and should not be understood as an acheivement.A cypher, if goes in a position ,would do the same.
If one is really,concerned for achievements and image,prestige of country and dignity of himself,can well understand by the refusal of  meeting of the Host Brazilian President.Similarly. China is a time tested friend for Nepal ,also did not find time to meet him.If you are complete cyphere, then you will think, this is normal, but if you have a sense of diplomancy, and the knowledge of importance of the historical values of Nepal -China relations ,you would be simply mad to see all?? But here, we see ,terming the visit a grand success?? Do you still think that people of Nepal is foolish as you think?


Monday, June 25, 2012

World Must Not Be A Jungle Raj

I read a news that a minor baby fell in a man whole, and could not be saved ,in spite of many days efforts. Don't we all human being feel shame for this event. At one hand,we claim for our development,culture ,values, new invention in the science and technoly,landing on the moon etc , and on the other ,a minor, sacrificed her life for our negligence.It is a big stain in the name of development of human being, where we could not save an enfant, who was crying for help.And we boast for our civilized society. 
Just imagine,if in that place our own child be there then? Can we forget this matter so easily?
This is a story of all developing country, not only one country, where no one is resposible for his works.Unaccountable system and goverment.-There must be a hard rule in this  regard that either contrat licence should be cancelled  with life imprinment ,or million million dollors punishment for them, then only they will complete their work A-Z.

I do not know, why, but feeling very sad for the sacrifice of an innocent  enfant life, because of  
human negligence, who had to get many new achievements in her life. My heart felt Condolences. And strongly advice to all goverments of the world to be resposible for their citizens.

Monday, June 18, 2012


I  can see now that nothing is moving on, rather decreasingly going to back.And all we agree that no one in the world can claim that he/she will damage Nepal for his/her lunatic deeds.Again, it is open for all we Nepali  to do better if we can for our motherland.As we have accepted she is our mother ,then one unit should not behave as if, she  only belongs to him/her.Never. It is hundred percent wrong. We have the right to protect our motherland from going to ruin and devastation.
Again,we have seen ,all have tried and declared failed in protecting Nepal and Nepali,on the contrary,we became worst than before and lost our respect in the international community.
Time and Tide never wait for any one!This is right time to strike on -situation is ripe ,and waiting for action.Nepalese have become prisoners of situation and the parties.Now is the time to break the vicious circle of lootism.
Oh Army! and other fellows , let never again say that we are the protector of motherland.Mother Nepal is helplessly looking on us for help.Let us come forward and save the situation by taking appropriate action soon.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dhritrastra Wisdom

Dhritrastra was a  leading figure in Mahabharata, who was capable to change the bad situation from being occurred .But, because of his lust for power and weakness for children, did not exercise his power to prevent the undesirable situation in Mahabharata, rather, allowed it to go from bad to worst.

Our country is void today.Who is legally in power ? ,What is the status of govt after dissolution of CA? International law says  it is invalid  and the previous Constitution is active. And in this condition,the care taker govt is preparing a highly ambitious budget? How come?

Mahabharata should not be repeated, all we know ,the result would simple a complete destruction.

Please Stop it.