Thursday, December 29, 2011


A big hue and cry for the review of the decision taken by the Supreme Court has  became a sole subject of discussion today in all media.We have still six months time to write the constitution but we are ignoring that fact and on the contrary  paving the way to further prolonging the tenure of writing mandate.A great paradox.
Ironically no body is thinking this but trying correct the wrong doings of the past.
In the given context what verdict has come is the best possible remedy for the bottle neck of the political uncertainty.

Now is the time to say by the authority that what time does it mean the end of 14 Jestha.Means mid night of 14 Jestha? Time before sun rising of 15 morning ?Time given of sun rising in Gorkha patra?or something else? Because after sometime this question is to be asked when the Constitution will not come  in time. Be careful  now ! and define it so that we understand that on 14 Jestha.We should not fight on that day. Hope concerned authority will define it before time.

For many end of 14 Jestha means mid night of 14 Jestha. If new constitution is not coming on that time the old constitution 2047 should be in force immediately-no confusion in this respect.Contemplate it.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Supreme Court and Constitutional Assembly

If I may remind my previous writing where I wrote careful this is last episode- that time we might have thought it in an easy way, now ,it seems that the day has really come and knocking our door.
SC has given its verdict that no more time will be granted than Jestha 14. and CA is taking it as its disrespect saying this verdict is not coming under the purview of SC therefore it is defective and consequently challenging it.
But if we see the constitution  art. 64 and understand its intention it is not meant for eternity.Term is there and thus SC is right in giving its verdict.This the SC only who can interpret the constitution and she has done .There should not be any if and but.
There is a great mess and anomaly of the state affairs.This way a civilized state never runs.And all these are because of the wrong decision taken by the CA in its first sitting by abolishing a stable institution monarchy.We can make monarchy a responsible to the people further more by adding some more restrictive directives but not that way. If you have pain in throat you cut off your neck.Never.It is a blunder and we have done this .And as a result we are reaping all pains and sufferings which was not prescribed for us but got it only because of blind self interest of the political parties who is not capable to run the state.They must be punished in a civilized country.
Finally,a bluder is done and Chankya Niti says a wise man always corrects its mistake to become popular and acceptable to all for ever.
This is need of time.Contemplate it -you will find a truth in it.Let the end of the  last episode be a pleasant for we all Nepali.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Be Responsible

Nepal Band continues in this or that excuse.Suffering is people which is not at all in priority of any political parties although they claim so.
Now a day I think what is  difference between YCL and Tarun Dal?Are they same?or one follows other?or Tarun is going in the line of YCL and YCL is going to the line of Tarun?May be the theory of Evolution is appearing on them.
Whatsoever,the people of Nepal is tired of your activities which are necessarily follow in the self interest of leaders .
Can't we behave as a responsible children of our mother Nepal?

Friday, December 16, 2011


Since long time we have been talking about admission of madeshi in Nepal army.It has become now an apple of discord because many groups are showing their interest in admission.
Many people in Nepal now started  thinking -do we really  need army in Nepal which is already in large number?
Actually, now, in present context,we do not need army in our country.Why any country needs army?-to fight with enemy-we do not have any enemy country to fight and we cannot match with India and China -then why? Do we want to kill our citizen? Of course not !Then !   better abolish this institution and make it a civilian office.Make Nepal a Zone of Peace a true significance  of Buddha Land.
But it does not mean that army has any inferior contribution in the past-in fact ,we all Nepali are grateful for their bravery and contribution for our independence.We can not forget their sacrifice for the motherland.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Foreign Policy Conduct is not a Child Play

It is very very difficult to change the preconceived mindset.Same is happening with Maoist government.They are not ready to learn from the past.Rather making mistakes over mistakes.PM Baburam Bhattarai is loosing rapidly his popularity but never wish to learn why?Unfortunately, still feels that he is doing better.What an irony!
Postponement of Chinese PM's proposed visit to Nepal is not a simple ordinary episode.It is very seriously meaningful for both Nepal and CHINA.For both countries should understand that a conspiracy has been in process to destabilize the relations.China , in to days world, is a stabilising factor and it must not be underestimated ,in doing so, it would damage the world balances approach  and in return encourage the hegimonious attitude of the selfish countries.
For failed   conducting the smooth foreign policy -both FM and PM are responsible.My suggestions to them not to play with this type of sensitive issues when you do not have any experience.In Nepal,there is not a dearth of independent thinkers and experts-why don't you use them?
Please note that a comfortable presence of our neighbours is welcome but excess is not acceptable for we Nepali.Any government can't damage the cordial relations subsisting so happily between us.
USA should also not go beyond limitation-it would damage all including his country.
PM and FM both should understand that they have made mistakes in conducting the behavior of foreign policy-be aware now.No mistake further would be advisable.It is not your internal policy or a child play.
Image of Nepal stands there.Hope you will take it positively.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Careful-It is Last Episode

Nothing could be recognized so much important than present days in the history of Nepal.History is ready to take a new shape- positive or negative , it depends upon us - how we are going to behave now.We must be very careful for any action being taken for any  future deeds.
Peace and Constitution is  the first and foremost duties to be performed in immediate future.Let us not forget and deviate in other works-it would be merely a clear wastage of time and fortune of the country.
These days we see unprecedentedly a race of India and China in Nepal.How far this foreign actions are needed?or good for the political health of the country ?- that has to be contemplated seriously.My concern is to  rationalize the cooperation offers forwarded by the friendly countries.We will repent if we don't calculate the effects.
Unfortunately,we see the politicians are taking this aid as a great luck -which is false !-it would leave no spare to cry if not properly assessed.
My humble suggestion to the Prime Minister is not to be excited with the offers-it is natural-it has to come.Be calculative in the interest of Nepal.It will only then serve  and pay to Nepal.


I was absent for sometime from this blog.In fact,I was engaged in my daughter's (Dr.Srishti Thakur) marriage which  so happily solemnized on 21st November.With the blessings of all friends all went well.Thanks to everybody.I am grateful to all for their valuable cooperation.