Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Irrational behaviour of the government

There is a saying a spoiled genius.This may not be very much correct with our Prime Minister Mr Bhattarai but the way he is heading the nation rises doubts about the safe destination.
His entry was welcomed by all sectors with a hope but seeing his reward less delivery now people are sad and perhaps counting the days of his government.Yesterday ,his  cabinet expansion flow the water overhead.It is too much to stick in power.He is loosing his credibility.Our suggestions to the Prime minister that he should call some honest learned and experience persons and follow their advices.It seems state running show is not manageable. In heart and spirit he seems different than others but practically he is missing many things.In any case ,country should not loose, and no one can gamble in the name of country.We are accountable for the nation.

Monday, November 7, 2011


I feel ,at this moment, very much proud, thinking, that in our country there is still humanity alive.
A meaningful, rewarding and successful life is that life which does not care for himself rather sacrifice for the wellbeings of others, particularly to the poor and needy person. In todays news, there is a similar story that in   Salyan ,a doctor while in labour room ,when found the life of a birth giving mother in danger because of excessive bleeding and unavalbility of blood  in the place, he himself donated the blood and save the life of mother and child.
Bravo.He is Dr.Jeewan Adhikari ,who did not care for his life rather save the life of a helpless person ,at the particular time ,when no one could help the patient except the doctor himself.
We all should praise  Dr Adhikari and appreciate his works and services to the humanity as examplary.May be in the primary school text book his service should be tought to the students.Not only that ,Government must recognize his contribution, and encourage him for further being the light of humanity and angle works.
I salute you Dr Jeewan Adhikari ,and pray to the almighty for  grand success  in your life.You are a true son of  NEPAL AAMA.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

No politics in Religions

It is regrettable that the politicians  only see their interests  not  others.Sometimes the intention may be good but timing may not compatible with the delivery.
Last evening and this morning,in the 'Chhath Mai Pooja' we have realized that there are an extensive political speeches in that pooja time which disturbed the devotees.Devotees are there to pray not to listen politicians speeches, which made them almost deaf since decades.But ,unfortunately,this simple reality is not understood neither by the politicians  nor the organisers.On the contrary,they rather are evaluating their works with high scores.Can you imagine now  how much we have done injustice to the devotees?.
Please, all concerned, try to  understand that NO politics are allowed in religions.If you try to do it, be sure ,you have to pay a heavy price.In any civilized country you will not find this type of hypocracy.
We should change ourselves.

Positive Leap Forward in Nepalese Politics

Last night ,the political  seven points agreement signed by the  four political parties, is commendable and can't be underestimated, if it is taken in real value term.Now, for materializing, it needs a great honesty and notabilities in the interests of the people of Nepal ,who suffered boundless for selfish politiciens' interests.Thus, it is the right time to pay to the people.

There are some commission and omission in this deal, which I am afraid, could be the seed for disgruntles among the parties.It could be a strategy to go slow but sure shot works, or may be again a drama to betray the spectators.This is a litmus test for all the parties because ,in reality ,they have to display their sincerity and honesty to the nation.In this sense ,I would cautiously appreciate this action which comply with an adage
'do not let what you can not do interfere with what you can do'.

We Nepalese are of a lion heart by birth ,which is  certainly not transplanted,therefore,I see for an everlasting peace in our motherland ,why not we accommodate all stakeholders including who has given us a Great Nepal.Nepalese, by birth also, are never ungrateful.Nepal is the home for all Nepali.
Unprecedentedly,a remarkable situation  and opportunity has been appeared,we must not misuse it.Time and tide wait for none.