One must be very careful about certain very important subjects that may have got long term effects in the life of a country itself,particularly this is true while drafting,discussing and designing the foreign policy of Nepal at this stage of given time.A foreign policy of any country with regard to its nature and objective should be a truly reflected in the principles enshrined in the constitution.Nepalese constitution yet to be written,at present,we don't know what the lawmakers would like to write with respect to the foreign policy or what would be the aspiration of the people of Nepal for conducting its foreign policy?.Therefore,in this case,any serious article written , any omission or commission in the foreign policy, in advance of the adoption of the constitution ,perhaps,would be like a cart before horse.
Foreign policy is not a domestic policy which can be changed every now and then,in greater frequency.It is a long term stable policy which determines the character of a country,and other countries receive its proclamation for arranging their approaches vis a vis that country in return.In this context,how far we are fair in this periodical adjustment framework,has to be revisited probably.
In the changed perception,our foreign policy ,which has been stable since centuries,could be enlarged in different dimensions.And we need that.The corner stone of foreign policy 'yam' between two boulders is relevant even today, and perhaps not going to loose its importance in distant future too, unless we turn it from yam to something stronger than boulders like diamond in between.why not!
Now at the changed perception,Nepal has to adopt certain new policies to comply with its international obligations vis a vis terrorism,global warming,climate change,disparity,poverty alleviation,international economic and social order,nuclear non proliferation and active role of the United Nations in peace keeping.At the same time,in the domestic front,the wishes of Mosaic population should be also demonstrated and appropriately presented in the world.
Nepal is no longer a buffer state .It was so called doctrine in 60s,propounded by some vested interest people to serve their interests.In fact,Nepal has been an active member of the UN since its entry to that Organization.Nepal judges all cases according to its merits without any prejudices.Being NAM member,Nepal has also been playing a remarkable active role.
The two immediate neighbours have awakened and doing exceptionally well in the economic development fronts.In this circumstances,Nepal has been figured out as a transit state in between India and China. India, ,a greatest democracy and 4 rth world world ranking economy,China, the most populous country and second world trade partner,are the boon for us, and not the curse.Being locked between two giant countries many of us termed ourselves as a curse of the nature, but that proved untrue now in the midst of available unlimited opportunities.
As a matter of fact,the prosperous economy of the two nations generates endless opportunities for us if we can really exploit them.For this, we have to develop our skill because our neighbours are looking and expecting from us to be provided to facilitate their needs.Nepal ,being a transit state, can play a very meaningful and productive role for developing a conducive political and economic relations.Can we imagine,if we provide service,transport,production,facilities etc to India and China for fostering their economic activities,what extent positive advantage Nepal could reap out of it.?A rewarding period would be emerged for Nepal for structural development which could pay in a suitable manner ,and as a result of that there would be a positive impact on the Nepalese economy .
Other aspects in this regard is to be considered while writing the foreign policy- one has to be wary about the past treaties signed by the previous regimes?It is the most important aspect to be seriously contemplated.One has to be very much explicit about the status of the past treaties.Should it remain valid or declare null and void?And who posesses the power to do it?
For Nepal,treaties with India,China and United Kingdom and others have ramification.There are many unseen porous clauses which may damage the strong position of Nepal or may need to be adjusted according to the present aspiration of time.But it needs a diligent exercises with open mind set,sitting with the learned and experiences persons of this field .Because they know every weak and strong point of the treaties ,and hence could put forth the spirit of treaties for the benefit of Nepal.Treaties must be equal, otherwise, would be invalid by natural law.In this regard ,Treaty with India(1950),Treaty with China (1960),Gurkha recruitment with UK and India (1947), are some very sensitive treaties which can't out rightly say yes or no.International law,aspiration of the people and geo- political proximate are the factors that put the initial bricks of foundation to come up.
And at last but not least,we have to see the mandate of the people.Is there any wish of the people manifested as to changing the foreign policy at the transit period?A transitional government can bring a substantial change in the past treaties?Does it fall under the purview or mandate? Hence ,it would be be wise to think about all these complexities before act.
In conclusion,the objective of this episode is to state that Nepal is neither a buffer state nor would remain a yam between two boulders for very long time if we properly address our problems and bring the house in order.We have to change our perception.
From the political point of view,yes it can be said that Nepal is still a yam ,a sensitive and vulnerable state ,it is true.And we should also not forget that this allegoric policy of yam between two boulders remained a blessing for us for preservation of our independence,sovereignty and territorial integrity.In other words,it became a political corner stone which bolster the foreign policy.Similarly the new buzz word 'transit state' has been emerged with its sustainability in the present eco- geographic situation of the region.With its merit of rentability and sustainability, it could be recognized as a second corner stone,economic corner stone of the foreign policy of Nepal that support the growth of economy of the country and would be an effective tools for the economic diplomacy in the region.We must develop some appropriate foreign policies and take appropriate measures with respect to the transit state in order to be benefited in available golden opportunities.